It's a home to many diplomatic services and the largest population in the country. Cotonou is the de-facto capital of Benin, although not the official one. It's location at the crossroads between numerous neighboring countries makes it a commercials hub. From Cotonou travelers may depart for tours of the outlying regions Benin is a great country to visit on any West African itinerary, benin is the birth place of the vodun (voodoo) and all that goes with it to this day, it is one of the most stable and safe countries of the region for travelling. Keep in mind gaff many business and offices including banks close for the several houses in the middle of the day Beer is cheap and good! local pubs are on every corner in every neighbourhood. You can get a bottle of local beer "La Beninoise", Heineken, Castel and others depending on the bar, they all cost about 250cfa for a small bottle and 500cfa for a large bottle. If you love drinking and partying Benin is the place for...