Tips on how to take the right pictures for the gram and having a sophisticated Instagram page (Sarcasm)

Had a discussion with a friend on how an Instagram page should look like and then it hit me! ( most people really don't know the rules to follow in having this amazing appearance on their page) So I decided to give a little tip on what should be noted when taking pictures for the gram. 

Like we all know "Instagram is more like a show room, the more attractive your page is the more people are interested on what you post" ( it's a fake world so if you want to fit in then fake it)

1. Background: This is basically one of the most essential factors to consider when taking a picture for the gram, the background has to be classy ( you can't take picture in a messy setting and expect to look all glammed) sorry to burst your bubbles but the picture won't come out the way it should to fit the gram. When taking a picture make sure the background is beautiful and neat ( if you have to wait till you go somewhere fancy to take a picture, the wait is worth it)

2. Pose: Most people really don't know how to pose when taking pictures,( the earlier you know the better ) when taking a picture for the gram, you have to give in ur best either smiling or the resting bitch look make sure you give in your all ( you shouldn't take a picture with no expression, we are not interested in viewing someone whose not sure of what they are doing, if you intend on smilling (smile to the fullest, let your followers know you are happy as a lark even if your sad nobody really cares, do it for the gram ) so give that killer pose and expression to make people interested in your post and look further to seeing more of it. So make sure you get that pose well!! 

3. Show off: This is more like the key ingredient, when taking a picture for the gram you have to show off all your life possession ( it may sound funny but people do that ) if you feel you don't have enough possession feel free to borrow from someone who might have what your looking for, starting with clothes, shoes, hair,bags, rides (cars), money, house, shades etc the list is longer than you think.( it helps to keep you one step ahead of getting the girl/boy you want, the more attractive you look the more attention you can get from your crush) So when taking a picture look for the best cloth you have and if you are out of clothes (the boutique is at ur service) if you don't have money to buy clothes (lend money from your friends ) and fulfill your dreams, glam up and slay like a King/Queen 

4.Perfect Angle: This is also important when taking a picture for the gram , the perfect angle give a perfect picture so look for that friend who really is patient enough to help you discover the angle that is perfect enough for you, if you aren't photogenic then focus on the angle that brings out the unseen beauty in you ( make sure you give the unlooking pose or the ass pose) it  would distract your followers from seeing who you really are, which still involves the angle you take the picture from. So work on your angles, you can't be playing while others are slaying on the gram (your dm needs to be popping daily💅🏾)

5. Filter: The filter wasn't created just for it to be an additional feature, it was created to be used by "you" so make sure you use those filters well (if you aren't good looking enough, make snapchat your friend..) "Whoever created the flower crown filter on snapchat made most people's dream come through" with snapchat filter you would always stay beautiful so feel free to make use of snap chat filter and any other filter that works for you to give you that Barbie doll look (even thought you are the opposite in real life) nobody actually cares, you just have to slay for the gram! Use your filters well, if you don't know how to use them get a friend to help you with it (what are friends for🤗)

6. Location: Yes!! Location is everything ( it results into the background) when taking a picture for the gram, the main aim is to gain  the attention and the vibes that you love chilling and money is not a problem "that should be your motto" (even if money is a problem don't let your followers know, you won't want to embarrass yourself) please don't take pictures in places where any random entity can be, it has to be a unique and sophisticated location (you can't afford to let your followers down) Go to well known lavish places to make your followers impressed (your Instagram page is not for you but for your followers so you have to impress them on a regular) your haters and friends are all waiting for your next post so you have to make sure your location is on point "don't forget to indicate your location" (even if it's a hotel nobody would judge you, it might be your favorite hobby hanging out at well known hotels, so far the location is Lit your followers are in support). If you don't have money to hang out in sophisticated places to enhance your Instagram page (be a groupie and follow someone whose capable and make use of that moment, turn it into a photo shoot section). You can save all your salary and travel out so your followers would  know you mean business, inspire your followers to work hard even if you would end up getting broke after your trip (you have to be brave and courageous)           NB: One thing you should never do is, take a mirror selfie while window shopping ,we know you are looking for cloths to buy ( sorry window shopping) even if you want to take a picture let's see what you bought not you attempting to fulfill your selfie mission.

7.Group Selfie: This is the last tip, when taking a group selfie pick the picture whereby you look the best out of the rest... Let people be focused on you and not the other people (you can't let your friends look better than you) remember "it's your page not theirs" You don't want your crush diverting attention to your friends (that's another whole drama) make sure you are the Beyoncé in the picture even if your friends eyes are half opened or fully closed so far you are looking good and slaying like Queen Bey🐝 that's all that matters. 
Thank me later😉


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