Feel the weight of this significance as you wander within the walls of the ancient fortress, marvel at the mind-boggling magnificence of St Basil's Catherdel and pay your respects to the revered leader of a now-defunct state. Moscow will move you by tantalising your sense, soothing your spirit and boggling your mind and it all starts right here by the very founding site of the city, Red square which is the heart of Moscow
Moscow has a club or a cafe for everyone, from nostalgia- rich retro to rocked-out-indie, from contemporary-cool art cafes to let-loose dance clubs. And no matter where you spend the evening all are invited to gather in the wee hours to watch the sunrise over Moscow golden domes and silver skyscrapers

People like to talk about the city that never sleeps, Moscow is one. You don't have to be high-heeled glamour girl or a deep- pocketed man about town to enjoy the capital by night

The classical performing arts in Moscow are still among the best in the world. Whether you appreciate the classics or experiment with the contemporary, the capitals performing arts are sure to impress you
If you are totally down to see beautiful and sophisticated infrastructure, you would find Moscow outstanding .
Moscow is definitely a must visit destination!
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